I sew and I don't have a cat. Everyone I know that sews has a cat or likes cats. No kitteh here. I'm allergic to them and I find them arrogant. That may make me a bad person but if need be, I will go to confession. Cats are always up to something. They don't have an ounce of humility(at least that I have ever seen.) That may also be the reason that I don't quilt or scrapbook. This is also more known for the cat-type. I cant stand scrap booking and I don't have the patience or perfection for a quilter. If it were a quick quilt, then maybe. I'm just not a fan of calico and hunter green/burgundy. There you have it. I adore dogs. Seriously. They are loyal, funny and a lot like men. I don't mean that in a bad way. It is endearing and sweet. I just had to come clean on that topic.
Yup. Have to agree with you there. Cats are horrible creatures. Dogs are slightly less horrible but still...poop. I am so sick of poop, I will probably never own an animal (that poops, anyway). If someone could specially breed some sort of creature that's cuddly, furry, and doesn't poop? I'm in.
i second that laura, IT'S THE POOP!! and dirty feet...when these animals die(dog and cat)...i'm done
We have two cats and a dachshund, and I love both. I quilt, but do really easy ones with my machine, and wish I were a more accomplished seamstress
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